There is a need for high-quality educators trained to offer bilingual education and services. For certified teachers and professionals, a bilingual certificate can extend your certification and opportunities. All our courses stress the importance of considering cultural factors alongside individual abilities in teaching bilingual students.
We offer three advanced certificates in bilingual education and services:
Bilingual General Education, PreK-12
The Advanced Certification in Bilingual General Education, PreK-12 is designed for mainstream teachers looking to work with bilingual students and teach your content area in two languages. This five-course program will equip you with the necessary knowledge, skills and strategies to effectively teach in bilingual classrooms, supporting students’ language development and academic success.
EDDN 636 - Linguistic Structure of the English Language - Sociolinguistic Perspectives
This course provides an understanding of basic linguistic concepts and their applications for TESOL instruction. Specific concepts include: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and the nature of regional and social variations in American English. Students will explore the origins, diversity and functions of human languages, in addition to the relationship between language and society. Includes 10 hours of field work.
EDDN 638 - Teaching English as a Second Language through Modern English Approaches to Grammar
This course reviews the structure of American English. Students will learn about diverse theories, approaches, methods, and practical techniques of grammar instruction for English language learners. Special emphasis will be placed on developing instructional strategies to assist English language learners in meeting the current English Language Arts standards. Includes 5 hours of field work.
EDPN 671 - Theory and Practice of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
This course reviews the impact of historical, legal, sociological, and political issues in relationship to the education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. It is designed to prepare educators and educational service providers to support CLD students and their caregivers in the context of multicultural/bilingual settings. Candidates will examine different models of culturally responsive-sustaining educational practices and apply this knowledge to the implementation of pedagogically effective practices for CLD students. Emphasis will be placed on developing multicultural competence as educators, with areas of focus including: cross-cultural communication in the classroom and with parents; how the language and culture of the home and the community impact student learning; cultural factors in the relationships between the school and the community. Includes 10 hours of field work.
EDPN 673 - Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language
This course provides a historical overview of second language acquisition theories and teaching methods. Students learn how to apply current approaches, methods and techniques, with attention to the effective use of materials, in teaching English as a second language. Students will engage in the planning and implementation of standards-based ESL instruction which includes differentiated learning experiences geared to students’ needs. Emphasis is placed on creating culturally responsive learning environments. Includes 15 hours of field work.
* For Touro University undergraduate Education majors who took this course and received a grade of "B" or better, the credits earned will also count as graduate course credit toward the MS degree. However, in the event an undergraduate student does poorly in a graduate-level course and must take it again in their graduate program, financial aid will not be available for such coursework and both grades will appear on the student's transcript. There are other collateral consequences to such coursework; please consult your advisor or Program Director for more details.
EDPN 675 - Methods and Materials for Teaching in the Native Language
This course provides an overview of theory, approaches, methods and techniques in teaching school subject areas in the native language of the students. Effective strategies and materials for teaching native language arts, including native language literacy, to English language learners will be explored. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 credits
Bilingual Special Education and Speech & Language Disabilities
The Advanced Certification in Bilingual Special Education and Speech & Language Disabilities is designed to prepare bilingual educational professionals to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities who are also English language learners. This five-course program will equip educators with specialized knowledge, skills, and strategies to provide effective bilingual education and services to students with special needs, speech and language disabilities, ensuring their academic, social and emotional growth. Upon completing this program, you will be equipped with the expertise and competencies necessary to positively impact the lives of students with disabilities who are English language learners.
EDSN 640 - Assessment of Individual Differences in General and Special Education: A Socio-Cultural Perspective
This course focuses on assessment in general education and special education of individual differences in intelligence, learning potential, personality, motivation, and student achievement; management of data from assessment and monitoring of student progress; characteristics of standardized tests; the role of educational testing in program design and informing instruction, particularly for students with disabilities, including children with autism; assessment of young children; use of achievement tests; introduction to dynamic (or interactive) assessment; differences between static and dynamic assessment; the use of teacher-made, informal tests; and opportunity to observe and practice use of achievement tests and/or curriculum-based assessment approaches in the classroom.
EDPN 671 - Theory and Practice of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
This course reviews the impact of historical, legal, sociological, and political issues in relationship to the education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. It is designed to prepare educators and educational service providers to support CLD students and their caregivers in the context of multicultural/bilingual settings. Candidates will examine different models of culturally responsive-sustaining educational practices and apply this knowledge to the implementation of pedagogically effective practices for CLD students. Emphasis will be placed on developing multicultural competence as educators, with areas of focus including: cross-cultural communication in the classroom and with parents; how the language and culture of the home and the community impact student learning; cultural factors in the relationships between the school and the community. Includes 10 hours of field work.
EDPN 672 - Methods of Teaching and Service Delivery in Languages Other Than English
This course focuses on teaching, assessment and counseling practices, consultation techniques, and other aspects of service delivery for diverse learners. Students will critically examine the processes used for placement of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special services. Issues involved in identifying student needs and appropriate services will be addressed. The discussion topics will include the impact of language, home culture and process of cultural adaptation in assessment. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 credits.
EDPN 673 - Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language
This course provides a historical overview of second language acquisition theories and teaching methods. Students learn how to apply current approaches, methods and techniques, with attention to the effective use of materials, in teaching English as a second language. Students will engage in the planning and implementation of standards-based ESL instruction which includes differentiated learning experiences geared to students’ needs. Emphasis is placed on creating culturally responsive learning environments. Includes 15 hours of field work.
EDPN 675 - Methods and Materials for Teaching in the Native Language
This course provides an overview of theory, approaches, methods and techniques in teaching school subject areas in the native language of the students. Effective strategies and materials for teaching native language arts, including native language literacy, to English language learners will be explored. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 credits.
Bilingual Pupil Personnel Services
The Advanced Certification in Bilingual Pupil Personnel Services prepares educational professionals - including school psychologists, school social workers, school counselors, school administrators, and other pupil personnel services staff - to effectively support the diverse needs of bilingual students and their families. This four-course program will equip you with specialized knowledge, skills and strategies to provide culturally and linguistically responsive services, ensuring bilingual learners' academic, social and emotional well-being.
EDPN 620 - Child Development and Learning in Cultural Context
This course focuses on the nature of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and moral development from birth through adolescence with implications for learning and teaching; major orientations in the study of child development, including Vygotsky and the neo-Vygotskian theories of child development and learning; periods of child development from birth through adolescence seen in a socio-cultural context, with implications for learning and teaching; integration of theory and research findings from the fields of developmental and educational psychology; and exploration of multicultural contexts for growth, development, and learning with diverse student populations. Students are also exposed to evidence-based methods of instruction and critically examine the idea that instruction should be evidence-based.
EDPN 671 - Theory and Practice of Bilingual and Multicultural Education
This course reviews the impact of historical, legal, sociological, and political issues in relationship to the education of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. It is designed to prepare educators and educational service providers to support CLD students and their caregivers in the context of multicultural/bilingual settings. Candidates will examine different models of culturally responsive-sustaining educational practices and apply this knowledge to the implementation of pedagogically effective practices for CLD students. Emphasis will be placed on developing multicultural competence as educators, with areas of focus including: cross-cultural communication in the classroom and with parents; how the language and culture of the home and the community impact student learning; cultural factors in the relationships between the school and the community. Includes 10 hours of field work.
EDPN 672 - Methods of Teaching and Service Delivery in Languages Other Than English
This course focuses on teaching, assessment and counseling practices, consultation techniques, and other aspects of service delivery for diverse learners. Students will critically examine the processes used for placement of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special services. Issues involved in identifying student needs and appropriate services will be addressed. The discussion topics will include the impact of language, home culture and process of cultural adaptation in assessment. Includes 15 hours of fieldwork. 3 credits.
PSGN 698 - Field Experience in Bilingual Education and Service Delivery
Since candidates in the program are certified professionals, their work experience (no less than one academic year) will be considered as partial fulfillment of the field experience requirement with an additional 50 hour activity log, along with attendance at three field experience seminars and =submission of a portfolio which synthesizes their experience and understanding of effective services for bilingual population.
The portfolio will include samples of professional work with bilingual students including Activity Logs, Assessment, Consultation, Crisis Intervention, Professional Development, Counseling, Multicultural Competence and Cultural Awareness, Practitioner Philosophy, Advocacy, Closing Statement, Digital Portfolio Project, and Portfolio Checklist. 3 Credits (Please note: This course must be taken during the final semester of the program).
Admissions Requirements
In addition to the general admission requirements, you must be able to document proficiency in the target language of instruction (download the Target Language Proficiency Verification Form).
To learn more about the program, contact us.
Wanda Agosto
Program Associate for TESOL & Teaching Literacy
Seong-Shin Kim, Ph.D.
Program Chair for TESOL, Bilingual Programs & Teaching Literacy