EDDN 602 Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Literacy (3 Credits)
This course examines language acquisition, the structure of language, the theoretical approaches to language, and language variations as applied to teaching literacy with respect to reading principles, methods, and materials. An in-depth analysis of the stages of first and second language acquisition and the interdependence between literacy background and language acquisition is offered. Research which focuses on the relationship between language and reading is also examined.
EDDN 605 Literacy Instruction - Birth through Grade 6 (3 Credits)
This course focuses on a thorough study of the principles, practices, methodologies and assessment tools utilized in the teaching of early literacy skills and strategies. Differentiating instruction for the at-risk student and English Language Learner will be explored. The creation of a balanced literacy program for grades 1-6 will be explored in-depth. Children’s literature is examined within the context of literacy instruction at the level of Birth- Grade 6
EDDN 606 Effective Implementation of Literacy for the Intermediate and Secondary Student (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the reading and literacy skills identified by the International Reading Association and the New York State English Language Standards for middle and secondary students. The importance of both content and process are emphasized and strategies are practiced for enhancing student comprehension before, during, and after reading. Effective ways of using differentiated instruction are also discussed. Providing for individual differences in middle and senior high schools is considered.
EDDN 609 Literacy Instruction - Grades 5-12 (3 Credits)
This course reviews the skills and knowledge required to support the developmental reading and literacy skills of middle and secondary students. Participants examine methods of teaching reading across the curriculum, including teaching reading of literature in individual, group, and whole-class settings in junior and senior high schools. Effective instructional practices for teaching reading skills to learn new information and to write reports, strategies for teaching writing skills to foster literary understanding, and differences in literacy instruction for junior and senior high school levels are also examined.
EDDN 618 Literacy Curriculum: Research and Evaluation (3 Credits)
Current scientific research related to effective literacy instruction and research findings about curriculum development are reviewed in depth. Students also learn to analyze curricula to determine appropriateness with respect to specific school populations, intended learning outcomes, and congruence with the International Reading Association Standards as well as the New York State Standards
EDSN 665 Basic Reading and Writing Instruction (3 Credits)
This course focuses on current approaches to teaching reading in a developmental context, creation of language rich environment, the nature of oral and written communication, assessment of language and reading skills, factors influencing literacy development, approaches to organizing a functional literacy program in the classroom, approaches to working with general education student including English Language Learners and approaches to using technology to teach literacy skills in the classroom. The first half of the course will be devoted to instruction from Birth-Grade 6 and the second half to instruction in Grades 5-12.
SEDN 667 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities (3 Credits)
This course focuses on developmental and cultural contexts for understanding symptoms and causes of reading disabilities; and diagnostic instruments and approaches to assessment of reading disabilities. Participants also examine programs, materials, and methods for nurturing literacy and for providing instruction to students with reading disabilities. The course includes one-on-one work with a child with reading disabilities and completion of a comprehensive case study. Prerequisite: EDSN 665
EDDN 677 Literacy in the Bilingual / Multicultural Classroom (3 Credits)
Students examine research and theories of first and second language acquisition as related to methods of teaching, listening, speaking, reading, and writing in bilingual/multicultural classrooms. The course also includes examination of current pedagogical methodologies, assessment procedures, and literature related to the specialized needs of the bilingual student and the multicultural classroom. [The first half of the course focuses on Birth - Grade 6 and the second half focuses on Grades 5-12.]