EDDN 680 Supervised Student Teaching PreK-12 (3 Credits)

This course requires a minimum of 20 days or 100 hours of student teaching in both el­ementary and secondary ESL classrooms, under the supervision of the cooperating teacher and a Touro professor. This experi­ence will allow student teachers to apply their knowledge in actual classroom set­ting, as well as gain experience with a va­riety of developmental levels. Student teachers will attend seminars throughout the semester, maintain a weekly reflective journal, and submit accumulative portfolio documenting professional growth. Prereq­uisites: EDDN 636, EDDN 637, EDPN 671, and EDPN 673, and permission of the Chair. (Please note: This course must be taken during the final semester of the pro­gram, and concurrently with no more than one content course.)\nStudents who have taken either EDDN 678 or EDDN 679 must complete that two-semester sequence, and are exempt from EDDN 680.\n*Effective July 1, 2012, EDDN 680 replaces both EDDN 678 and EDDN 679 for students who have not completed either of those two courses prior to the Fall 2012 semester.\n*Already certified teachers participating in the practicum may be excused from the requirement of completing 50 student teaching hours, allowing them to concentrate on engaging in reflective seminars, developing their ePortfolios, and completing their capstone projects.