
Dr. Brenda Strassfeld Appointed to Editorial Board of International Journal of Technology in Mathematics

Touro Professor Joins Esteemed Panel Tasked with Reviewing Teaching Methods

July 29, 2014

New York, N.Y. - Touro College’s Graduate School of Education is pleased to announce that Dr. Brenda Strassfeld, chair of the GSE’s Mathematics Education Program, has been appointed to the editorial board of the International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education.

Dr. Strassfeld joins an esteemed panel of academic professionals from around the world tasked with reviewing new research on teaching methods and selecting submissions that will appear in the IJTME’s quarterly publication.

Dr. Strassfeld’s strong background in geometry was a factor in her appointment to the editorial board. “Geometry is a growing area and Brenda has in-depth knowledge and understanding vital to making editorial decisions,” said Ted Graham, editor-in-chief of the IJTME and associate professor of mathematics at Plymouth University in Plymouth, England. “She brings an enthusiasm about issues related to the teaching of geometry that is of considerable value to the core editorial team,” he added.

For 21 years, the IJTME has provided a global forum through which a wide range of experiences in mathematics education can be shared, discussed, and critiqued.  Topics have ranged from the ordinal competencies of young children, to the attitudes of college students using computer algebra systems.  Recent submissions have spotlighted pedagogies introduced in Spain, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia, representing a diversity that Graham said, “creates a platform for mathematical perspectives that can be shared on an international basis.”   

Dr. Strassfeld has been involved in mathematics education on local, national and international levels for more than 30 years.  She has been a faculty member at Touro College since 2010; was a clinical assistant professor in the secondary math education program at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; and was a Feinberg Foundation visiting faculty fellow at the world-renown Weizmann Institute for Science in Rehovot, Israel in 2012 and 2013.  Her research interests have focused on the attitudes and beliefs of teachers and students about instruction of mathematics and teacher preparation.

Acknowledging the importance of technology in math instruction, Dr. Strassfeld noted that mathematics students regularly integrate technology into their teaching, and some of the papers in the IJTME include specific, practical applications for that instruction.  “We want to understand the best ways we can use technology to improve student learning. The IJTME is the perfect forum for educators to share their research findings with the mathematics education community,” she said.  

Dr. Strassfeld’s affiliation with the IJTME began during her doctoral studies at the University of Plymouth. The publication serves primarily academics, but can be used as a professional development tool for secondary school teachers.    

Dr. Lamar P. Miller, dean of the GSE, has praised Dr. Strassfeld’s skill as a leader of mathematics education, citing her “profound dedication to the promotion of high quality teaching and her pursuit of research to maximize all student learning.”

For more information about The International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education, visit  For more information about Touro’s Graduate School of Education, visit