
Graduate School of Education Celebrates Annual World Book Day

Touro Faculty and Members of the Education Community Participate in Marathon Read-Aloud to Celebrate the Joy of Reading

May 10, 2022
A table of books that were collected for donation in honor of World Book Day.
Books were collected for donation in honor of World Book Day

Faculty and staff members from the Touro College Graduate School of Education (GSE) joined together with other prominent figures in the education community to celebrate World Book Day last month. The annual holiday, which signifies the pride of having books of your own and a passion for reading, was marked by a marathon read-aloud from 9:00 am-4:00 pm on April 7th and kicked off a month-long book donation drive to benefit families experiencing homelessness across New York.

The read aloud showcased award-winning books narrated by guests of GSE including Lynn Gangone, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) President and CEO, who read The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration and Michael E. Dantley, Dean Emeritus of the College of Education, Health, and Society (EHS) Miami University of Ohio Chair and AACTE Board of Directors, who read Speak.

GSE staff and faculty also participated in the full day read aloud including Dean Jacob Easley II, Ruth Best, Assistant Dean, Clinical Experiences and Partnerships; Ellen Margolin, Associate Professor, Childhood and Special Education; George Gross, Associate Professor, Teaching Literacy; Jasmin Cowin, Assistant Professor, TESOL; Edmund Melville, Director, Teacher Residency; Laurie Bobley, Program Chair, Special Education Generalist; Nilda Soto Ruiz, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Program Chair, School Leadership; Frantz Moise, Assistant Professor, Childhood and Special Education; and Susan Courey, Program Chair, Early Childhood and Special Education.

Additionally, Elaine Nikolakakos, Program Chair, Teaching Literacy; Kimberly Roff, Assistant Professor, Childhood and Special Education; Timothy Bellavia, Assistant Professor, Childhood and Special Education; Marcella Bullmaster-Day, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Olga DeJesus, Program Chair, TESOL; Brenda Strassfeld, Associate Professor, Program Chair, Mathematics Education; Mary Esposito, Associate Professor, Teaching Literacy; Roslyn Haber, Associate Professor, Childhood and Special Education; Velma Cobb, Director, Lander Center for Educational Research; Andrea Kane, Instructor, Childhood and Special Education; Joanne Robertson-Eletto, Associate Professor, Teaching Literacy; and Sheldon Shuch, Associate Professor, Teaching Literacy joined in on the full day read aloud.

In total, 225 bilingual and culturally diverse books, as well as special ability and other genres of books for children and youth ranging from birth – grade 2, grades 1-6, and grades 7-12 were collected and donated to the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless based in Amityville, Long Island, while other books were donated to The Children’s Rescue Fund, operating in both New York City boroughs of the South Bronx and Manhattan.

“The Long Island Coalition for the Homeless is thrilled to be a recipient of Touro College Graduate School of Education's book drive as part of World Book Day! Reading is an essential tool for learning and entertainment for all ages, regardless of age and income. We’re excited to be able to share these books with Long Islanders in need, so they can explore new worlds through reading,” said Greta Guarton, Executive Director of the Long Island Coalition for the Homeless.