Learning leads to development in knowledge, understanding, perception, thinking, emotions, actions and skilled performance. The Lander Center undertakes projects, outreach programs and grants that focus on continual inquiry into, analysis of, and reflection on student learning and the teaching practices that most effectively support high quality learning.

Lander Center Research Projects, Outreach Programs, and Grants

Liberation Diploma High School, Brooklyn NY

To increase students’ learning autonomy/independence and critical thinking, the project utilizes a teachers-teaching-teachers professional development approach to allow teachers to grapple with ideas and concepts in order to create a shared leadership, ownership and responsibility for student outcomes. Professional development activities design, developed and delivered by selected teachers in productive struggle across disciplines, Socratic seminar/Fishbowl, and culturally responsive teaching.

The New Life School (TNLS), Lutheran Social Services of New York

The Lander Center work with TNLS leadership to establish an open and honest professional culture that increases staff capacity to provide culturally relevant and rigorous behavioral and academic supports for students. The project focuses on developing a comprehensive curriculum map that guides what teachers should teach throughout the school year.