Our master's and advanced certificate programs reflect our two core principles: Praxis and community.

Studying with us means you’ll understand the union of theory and practice and be adept at putting ideas to work in your classroom and community. You will learn to understand the needs of the community in which you serve, and identify unmet needs, so that you can serve your community with passion and compassion.

Every one of our programs meets the U.S. Department of Education’s most current curricular standards and includes plenty of fieldwork and preparation for New York State Education Department (NYSED) certification exams. Classes can be taken in a number of modalities: In-person, asynchronously online, and synchronously online (Zoom).

We're leaders in educating educators and meeting the needs of our communities.

Education Program Areas

Teacher Education

At our core, we teach teachers how to teach. And do it well. Our students are passionate about their communities, their students, and a good education. If you’re looking to not just learn about education, but are driven and dedicated to implementing the best strategies to help students learn, manage a classroom, and develop curriculum, you’ll find your place at Touro GSE. We have teacher education programs for general education and special education teachers (birth through 12th grade), Jewish special and general education teachers, reading specialistsmath teachers, ESL teachers and leaders in educational technology, as well as certificates to advance your career and increase your skills in ESL, bilingual education, gifted education, and teaching students with autism and multiple disabilities.


If you’re looking to lead beyond one classroom, we offer a Master’s degree to prepare you for School Building Leader or School District Leader, where you’ll learn how to think creatively, embrace technology, analyze data, and best use resources.


Our Master’s in School Counseling is ideal for those who want to work with students on their academic, social, and behavioral development. This degree will allow you to work with students to help them build the academic and interpersonal skills they need to thrive in school and in life. We are particularly interested in recruiting students who have work experience in a school at any P-12 level.

How You Can Take Classes

Students in our Education & Special Education programs have the option of taking all courses online or in a classroom, except for practica, internships, and field experiences which must be done in a local school setting or facility. In-person classes are at our Brooklyn or Staten Island campus. All other Master's programs and Advanced Certificate programs are offered exclusively online, except for practica, internships, and field experiences.

Classes are offered online in two modalities. In most cases, you may combine course modalities.

Video Conference Courses via Zoom

Enjoy interactive lectures and discussions without leaving your comfort zone.

These courses are synchronous, at a set day and time, and blend flexibility with live engagement. Attend dynamic classes via Zoom, interact with top-notch professors, and collaborate with classmates from anywhere in real-time.

Asynchronous Courses

Tailor your education to your schedule! These asynchronous self-paced classes give you control of your learning and the flexibility to attend class when it works for you.

You'll have access to course materials, lectures, and assignments at your convenience, with no class meetings. Meet assignment deadlines on your schedule, balancing your education with other commitments, while still receiving expert guidance and support.

Asynchronous classes are ideal for self-disciplined students. Professors are available to help of course, and online students should not hesitate to reach out via email or online discussion boards with any questions.