General Core Courses
EDDN 610 Analysis of Student and School Performance and Achievement Data for Instructional Improvement
Students are provided an introduction to principles, concepts, and operations necessary to analyze the multiple quantitative and qualitative data sources available regarding student and school performance. Students explore ways to effectively use data to conduct long-range planning and to undertake ongoing assessment of school/district performance for achieving State learning standards. Emphasis is given to the use of data to establish accountability systems for meeting educational goals and objectives.
EDDN 611 Leadership for the Twenty-first Century School Leader: Theory and Practice
This course examines current research on leadership and provides an opportunity to explore leadership in practice. The course also focuses on development and implementation of an educational vision through the creation of collaborative relationships with internal and external elements of the school community and the importance of establishing an ethical standard of leadership.
EDDN 612 Curriculum Development and Implementation for the School Leader
This course acquaints students with the need to provide leadership in comprehensive long-range planning with respect to curriculum development, instructional strategies and technology, classroom organization and practices, and assessment. Current curricula are discussed including methods of changing, updating, and evaluating their effectiveness.
EDDN 613 Personnel Functions of a School Leader
Contemporary models for effective personnel administration are presented and discussed. The course also examines criteria for establishing accountability standards for staff evaluation and staff supervision as well as the importance of succession planning.
EDDN 615 Supervision of Instruction
This course focuses on the objectives, functions, procedures, and evaluation of teaching from a supervisory perspective. Students examine ways to use data from the evaluation and supervision of staff to inform long-range comprehensive planning in professional development and to support staff’s efforts to effectively address student learning needs.
EDDN 616 Managerial and Financial Functions of a School District/Building Leader
This course acquaints students with the benefits of leading comprehensive long-range planning in facilities development in order to support instruction and to create a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. The course also examines current managerial and financial practices in schools – including with respect to district budget development and facilities that effectively support achievement of educational goals and objectives.
EDDN 617 Education Law and Ethics for School Leaders
This course focuses on the application of statutes and regulations as required by law. Students discuss legal principles based on constitutional principles, legislation, and case law that enable, restrict, or challenge the functioning of school districts and schools building leaders. The need for school and district leaders to establish an ethical standard of behavior and to affect change through ethical decision-making is emphasized.
EDDN 620 Administration and Supervision of Special Education and Compensatory Programs
This course discusses the value of undertaking comprehensive long-range planning in the area of support services for students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and other students in need of academic intervention services. Emphasis is placed on the development of pre-referral interventions to address student needs in the general education setting. The course also looks at the laws and regulations governing special education, services to English Language Learners, and reimbursable programs.
EDDN 682 Technology for School Administrators
Potential and practicing school administrators are provided with the theoretical and practical framework necessary for planning and implementing technology in schools, both as a tool for instruction and for administration. Emphasis is placed on the latest Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA). Hands-on experiences and projects based on technology are included as students develop their familiarity with essential technology applications. Prerequisite: familiarity with basic word processing and use of the Internet.
EDDN 699 Communicating, Collaborating, Partnering, and Community Building for School District Leaders
Students are provided with verbal and written communication models for developing the skills necessary to effectively interact with school board members, district/school staff, and the community at large. The course also explores effective strategies for communicating, to those individuals, an educational vision leading to the achievement of State learning standards. Required for candidates seeking certification as school district leaders.
EDDN 697 Professional Internship Part I
Students are provided with a closely supervised experience in applying the principles and concepts acquired through previous course work. The internship takes place in an educational organization under the supervision of a practicing school/district administrator and a Touro faculty member. Theories and concepts are applied to practical situations that are presented to the administrative and supervisory practitioners.
Prerequisite: students must have 18 credits of coursework in the program.
(Please note: Students may not register for EDDN 697 and EDDN 698 in the same semester.)
EDDN 698 Professional Internship Part II
Students are provided with a closely supervised experience in applying the principles and concepts acquired through previous course work. The internship takes place in an educational organization under the supervision of a practicing school/district administrator and a Touro faculty member. Theories and concepts are applied to practical situations that are presented to the administrative and supervisory practitioners. Candidates seeking certification as school district leaders will be required to address district issues in a district office while taking EDDN 698.
(Please note: Students may not register for EDDN 697 and EDDN 698 in the same semester.)