Our advanced certificates lead to NYSED certification in specialized areas and an extension/annotation on your NYS teaching credentials.
The extra credits can make all the difference, and specialization can help make you a more marketable, knowledgeable, and well-rounded educator.
Intensive, focused coursework and hands-on learning are benchmarks of the advanced certificate programs at the Graduate School of Education. We unite pedagogical theory and classroom practice, explore innovative teaching and outreach methods, and emphasize culturally responsive instruction.
Pursuing an advanced certificate is an ideal—and affordable—way for experienced teachers and educational personnel to strengthen their expertise in a specific area, from program development for gifted children to teaching English Language Learners with disabilities.
Most programs require 12-15 credits, inclusive of fieldwork. Upon successful completion, you’ll be eligible for an extension/annotation on your New York State teaching credentials, and your earned credits can apply to an additional salary differential.
With advanced certification, not only will you be able to more effectively and compassionately serve diverse student populations, you’ll increase your value as an educator and improve your career prospects.
Bilingual Education and Services
We offer three programs - Bilingual General Education, Bilingual Special Education and Speech & Language Disabilities, and Bilingual Pupil Personnel Services - inclusive of field experiences, to qualified educators and professionals seeking advanced bilingual certification.
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)
The Gifted and Talented Education professional certificate program includes 4-5 courses open to educators who want to teach and develop programs for gifted children. Students may take only four courses and individually apply for the annotation/extension. If all five courses are completed, Touro can recommend the student for the annotation/extension.
Teaching Students with Autism and Other Severe and Multiple Disabilities
This Teaching Students with Autism and Other Severe Multiple Disabilities certificate program consists of four courses and is for Special Education teachers. The advanced certificate leads to an annotation/extension on your NYSED teaching certification.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Our 15-credit Advanced Certificate in TESOL will allow you to expand your teaching to ESL or strengthening your capacities to serve a diverse student body. Evening, Sunday, and online courses are available.
Teaching Literacy
Our 15-credit Advanced Certificate in Teaching Literacy (All Grades) will equip you to assess, diagnose, and support the literacy needs of diverse learners across all grade levels. The Advanced Certificate makes you eligible for an annotation on your teaching license.