My doctorate is in Curriculum and Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University. My vocation and enduring interests are learning, teaching, and supporting others in learning and teaching, particularly in U.S. urban schools and communities. I have worked as a teacher, principal, mentor, university professor, and professional development consultant in urban educational contexts.
I served as Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the Touro Graduate School of Education. Previously, I was Associate Director under Dr. LaMar Miller and then Director of the Lander Center for Educational Research during the years 2007 – 2016 when the Lander Center housed two large federally funded programs. I also serve on Touro College’s IRB#1.
Other work has included roles as Senior Research Consultant for Kaplan K12 Learning Services and Program Chair for Kaplan University’s Graduate School of Education, where I worked with a team to develop the conceptual framework and online courses for Kaplan University’s Master's Degree in Education. Prior to that, I was Executive Director of Curriculum for Kaplan K12 Learning Services. I have also been an Adjunct Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, where I taught Curriculum Design, Staff Development, and School Improvement, and at NYU where I taught a Study of Teaching course and seminars for preservice teachers.
My earlier career in urban education included directing large year-round, multi-age youth programs, founding and heading a private elementary school for ten years, serving as a researcher for the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, and teaching in the New York City public school system. I also worked as a professional development consultant in New York through Bank Street College of Education, New Visions for Public Schools, and the Lorraine Monroe Leadership Institute.
Areas for Consultation: I can give consultation in the areas of qualitative research design.
- Dubetz, N., Bullmaster-Day, M., & Courey, S. (2018, October). District-University Partnerships to Improve Clinical Practice for Teacher Candidates. Workshop conducted at the 2018 NYSATE/NYACTE Annual Fall Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.