Professor, Education and Special EducationGraduate School of Education

Barry Edwards McNamara, Ed.D., received his doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University in Special Education: Learning Disabilities. In addition to teaching at the college level, Barry was a special education teacher in a self-contained classroom and a resource room. He is also a licensed Learning Disability Teacher Consultant. He had published widely in professional and other publications and is the author of a number of books. He is the coauthor (with Francine J. McNamara, LCSW) of Keys to Parenting a Child With ADD (2 editions), Keys to Parenting a Child With a Learning Disability, and Keys to Dealing with Bullies. Barry is the author of three textbooks in special education, The resource room: A guide for special educators ( SUNY Press), Learning disabilities: Appropriate practices for a diverse population (SUNY Press), and Learning Disabilities: Bridging the gap between research and classroom practice (Pearson).The books on ADD and Bullying were translated into Chinese. His textbook on the resource room was translated into Japanese, and the Learning Disabilities textbook was translated into Korean. Barry had made innumerable presentations to national, state, and local, organizations and has served as a consultant to school districts throughout the United States. He has developed and implemented co teaching programs for collaborative classes, behavioral interventions for students with disabilities and provided training on the identification and treatment of ADHD.