The Educational Technology courses necessary to complete the master's program will give you the skills you need to incorporate technology in the classroom or boardroom. 

*Offered by the Graduate School of Education

Required Courses

EDSN 600 History and Philosophy of Education and Special Education

Explores the historical and philosophical underpinnings of modern educational theory and practice, dating back to ancient Greek, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim writings on education and tracking developments into the present. It specifically examines the forces that have shaped educational policies in the United States, highlighting the current debate around meeting the educational and social-emotional needs of students from diverse communities. The role of technology in education and society at large, critical thinking skills, information literacy, and research-based instruction are also featured.

EDIT 601 Foundations of Computers

Introduces the technological underpinnings of information technology in the educational environment. Students become proficient in integrating word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software into educational settings, learning about the general operations of computer hardware, telecommunications, and operating systems. Students gain a general appreciation of the complexity of modern information and of information literacy.

EDIT 617 Foundations of Instructional Technology - Teaching with Computers

Based on discussions of theory and research, this course examines the transition from the oral/aural classroom to the written/visual learning environment introduced through various forms of instructional technology, including the computer. Students explore many forms of instructional and educational technology, copyright and intellectual property laws, learning theories in reference to technology, assistive technologies, technology planning, theories of distance education, and the national educational technology standard (ISTE).

EDIT 622 Networking in the Education Environment I

Introduces students to the fundamentals of data communications in the classroom and the school district environment. Students learn how to design, support, and troubleshoot Local Area Networks (LAN). Students also learn the complex details of network information security.

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 623 Foundations of Instructional Design

Teaches students to design instructional activities that are consistent with curriculum goals, based on accepted pedagogy and effective in helping students synthesize information in a meaningful way. Students explore the foundational theories of learning and investigate models of instructional design. The focus is on the process of learning, the instructional plan, the technologies that support this process, and the many ways that teaching and learning effectiveness can be assessed.

EDIT 632 Networking in the Education Environment II

Explores the many ways that information can flow throughout a Wide Area Network (WAN). Through example and hands on practice, students examine specific Wide Area Networks in the educational environment. In doing so, students extend previously-learned networking skills to become more empowered in the educational workplace. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 622

EDIT 651 Internet Technology in the Classroom

Examines the Internet and World Wide Web as technology integration tools for collaborative learning activities, data collection and exchange, virtual field trips, Web Quests, and online mentoring. Students also develop a more comprehensive understanding of how to carry out successful Internet research. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 653 Integrating Technology in the Curriculum

Because educational technologies change and update constantly, this course teaches the necessary skills to evaluate and select the appropriate software and hardware to integrate into the curriculum and the classroom. Students learn how to use specific technologies to support general education students and students with special needs. A primary objective is to empower our students with the skills and knowledge they need to become agents of change for school reform. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 692 Projects in the Educational Technology

This capstone course requires students to synthesize their theoretical and practical learning by designing a substantial, innovative educational technology project and integrating it into an active classroom in real time. Students draw from theory and their varied experiences in other classes to apply a new and emerging set of technologies that facilitate learning, communication, and mobility in the classroom while meeting local, state, and/or federal standards in a particular curriculum area. Students are especially encouraged to be innovative in the area of special education, although the project may focus on any curriculum area in the K-12 or higher education realm. A minimum of 120 hours of work is required for successful completion of the course.
Prerequisites: EDIT 632, EDIT 651 and EDIT 653

Three-Credit Elective Courses

EDIT 621 Advanced Web Applications in the Classroom

Social networking environments have had a profound impact on how students communicate, collaborate and publish materials. This course explores web applications such as a portfolio-based Wiki that allows for collaboration through shared calendars, collaborative websites, shared online documents, and discussion forums. In addition, the course presents such technological innovations as Webspiration, Google Apps, Blogger, Voki, and VoiceThread. Because new technologies are always being introduced, students learn to create differentiated learning experiences at all grade levels by leveraging many tools that are free and accessible to all. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 626 Teaching Computer Applications in the Classroom

Introduces students to a variety of computer applications and how to integrate them into lessons across the curriculum. Students develop lesson plans that incorporate each of the tools in line with ISTE standards. Students also develop effective techniques to teach computer tools and applications at all grade levels. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 641 Programming in the Classroom

Introduces programming using the Java programming language. Students learn to design and implement Java programs, develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve problems, code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm, and understand large programs consisting of several classes with interacting objects. These skills form the framework for teaching the new AP Java course available to high school students. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 642 Multimedia Education Applications in Software Development

Students develop computer-based educational software using hypermedia, and either an authoring language or programming language. Some background in instructional design is recommended. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 643 Children, Technology and Media Literacy

Grounded in social science theory and research, this course examines the complicated effects of mass media on children. Students learn to analyze and evaluate images and electronic forms of communication in such major contested areas as the effects of media violence, pro-social programming and its impact, cognitive processing of media content, the effects of advertising, and the impact of media consumption on children's emotional health. Beyond theory, the course examines appropriate intervention strategies for countering negative impacts on students.

EDIT 646 Distance Learning Applications

Explores various technologies that are used to provide platforms for distance learning. Students produce and evaluate materials for the delivery of online instruction and learn instructional design concepts that uniquely apply to learning outside the classroom. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 652 Assistive and Special Needs Technology

Designed to expand the knowledge base of educational leaders who specialize in providing assistive and special needs technology. In addition to knowledge of specific hardware and software solutions that aid students with disabilities, the course provides theoretical and practical knowledge on how to conduct assistive technology evaluations and identify a variety of funding sources to support assistive technology for students with disabilities. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 601

EDIT 654 21st Century Instructional Technology Models

Focuses on the use of technology as a vehicle to transform the learning environment from an outdated teacher-centered model to one that is student-centered and more personalized. Participants will study the problems facing our schools, while looking at emerging innovations aiming to better meet the needs of our students through exploration of: The National Education Technology Plan, 21st century pedagogy, models, frameworks, and tools of innovation. Learning experiences align to four main topic areas: Model technology schools and programs, innovations in instructional technologies, problem-based learning, and, school leadership and strategic planning.

One-Credit Elective Courses

EDIT 610 Computer Literacy for Novice Users

Designed for educators who are unfamiliar with computers. It covers the fundamentals using the mouse and keyboard, the Windows user interface, and the World Wide Web. Basic computer terminology is briefly discussed, including input, output, processing cycle and storage, software, communications, the Internet, and practical uses of technology in education. Computer components are explored and the Windows operating system is introduced. Specific topics include: creating folders; organizing files into folders; copying, moving, deleting, and renaming files; searching for files based on name, contents, type, or date they were created; and basic troubleshooting.

EDIT 618 Computer Literacy: Digital Photography for Educators

Provides an introduction to digital photography for use in the K-8 classroom. Digital cameras and image editing software are introduced with an eye toward using theses resources to enhance learning and to increase the visual appeal of classroom instructional materials. Hands-on demonstrations and activities allow participants to become familiar with basic shooting, photo editing, and retouching. The goal of the course is to integrate digital photography into current classroom practice, providing direct linkages to ISTE standards.
Prerequisite: EDIT 610 or EDIT 625

EDIT 619 Integration Literacy: Animation in the Middle School Classroom

Teaches the fundamental principles and techniques of animation on the computer. Using a variety of software tools and techniques, including Photoshop and Flash, students learn how to create basic animation for web sites and presentations, as well as how to integrate animation in student projects and understand the educational impact these visuals have on student learning. Directly linked to ISTE standards, the course offers the opportunity to fully explore technology communications tools and how they can aid in increasing the absorption of new material or enhancing retention. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 610

EDIT 620 Information Literacy: Using the Internet as a Research Tool

Introduces educators to the vast resource that is the Internet and focuses on how to make effective use of its many components. Students become familiar with Internet terminology, basic web browsing skills, and creating e-mail accounts. The course also focuses on using the Internet effectively as a research tool. Students learn how to construct basic and complex queries, find specialized information, understand the invisible web, search subscription database like Proquest, and find and make lists and newsgroups.
Prerequisite: EDIT 610 or EDIT 625

EDIT 625 Computer Literacy: Word Processing Applications for Educators

Designed for teachers who have basic Windows and World Wide Web skills. Students learn the necessary word processing (MicroSoft Word) skills to produce class handouts, letters, memos, tests and proposals. Students also learn how to use word-processing to increase productivity and aid in administrative tasks. In addition, advanced document production skills needed to produce items such as class newsletters will be covered. The course also involves exploration of the uses of word processing in the classroom to foster learning with direct linkage to ISTE standards. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 610

EDIT 634 Integration Literacy: Flash for Educators

Provides an introduction to web animation using Flash. Topics discussed include graphics, animation, sound, interactivity and publishing Flash movies and increasing retention by uploading the Flash movie to the Web for viewing outside the classroom. Students learn how to enhance class lectures with Flash movies and create excitement through interactive lessons using Flash and the Web; students also discover some of the secrets behind successful animation.
Prerequisite: EDIT 610

EDIT 635 Computer Literacy: Electronic Spreadsheet for Educators

Designed for teachers with basic word processing skills. The lab part of the course focuses on the electronic Spreadsheet skills (Excel) needed to produce student grade books and classroom budgets. Teachers learn how to use spreadsheets as a teacher productivity tool. The second part of the course focuses on the discussion and implementation of advanced uses of Microsoft Excel needed to produce graphics, reports, tables and spreadsheet analysis for the classroom. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 625

EDIT 636 Integration Literacy: Curriculum Creations in KidPix

KidPix is an effective tool for inspiring student creativity and creating multimedia projects throughout the curriculum. Designed to create learning, the KidPix program can be used in a teacher-initiated lesson or as part of a child-centered activity. During this hands-on workshop, participants explore the program and find ways to use it to enhance their curriculum and meet the ISTE standards. The course looks at best practices for using KidPix in a variety of classroom settings, including using the Spanish mode to support ESL learners. [Note: this course is recommended for K-5 teachers, Special Education teachers, School Media Specialists, and Reading teachers. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 610

EDIT 638 Integration Literacy: Publisher for Educators

Provides an introduction to Publisher and teaches educators to create printed materials as a classroom project. Activities may include creating newsletters or other printed materials that demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter and that can benefit both contemporary and historical subject matters. Printed materials of this nature are a wonderful supplement to traditional textbooks and are thoroughly engaging. This course will provide benefits for any History, English or Social Science class.
Prerequisite: EDIT 610

EDIT 639 Computer Literacy: Adobe Photoshop for Educators

Introduces students to working with graphics and pictures in a digital environment through the use of Adobe Photoshop. Students learn ways to use photo imagery to enhance lessons and presentations in support of particular curriculum areas within New York State and ISTE standards. Ways to use digital imagery and color correction, scan and manipulate images, prepare images for the Web, and basic Web image principles are also explored. Students work on various projects that assimilate Òreal worldÓ design for advertising and publicity. Lab time is required for class assignments. 

Prerequisite: EDIT 610