Program Chair, Mathematics EducationAssociate Professor, Mathematics EducationGraduate School of Education

Brenda Strassfeld, Ph.D. has been involved in both mathematics and mathematics education on the local, national and international level for over thirty years.

Dr. Strassfeld earned a baccalaureate degree in mathematics/mathematics education and a Masters Degree in mathematics from Brooklyn College.  She received her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from the University of Plymouth, UK. Her dissertation was entitled: An Investigation about High School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching Geometry.

Dr. Strassfeld is currently chair of the Mathematics Education Program, Touro College Her responsibilities include student and recruitment, hiring faculty and field supervisors, course development, conduct math advisory committee meetings, attend Chairs meetings, teach classes. Courses taught: Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics; Teaching Geometry and Probability and Statistics in Grades 7-12; Curriculum and Assessment in Grades 7-12; Student Teaching Practicum I and II.  She is the EdTPA coordinator for the Graduate School of Education. She currently serves on the graduate committee on academic standing and the Academic Discipline and Human Rights Committee. In 2012 and 2013 she was part of the Visiting Faculty Program Feinberg Graduate School of Education- Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel 

Dr. Strassfeld was a member of the New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development faculty for over ten years where she served as both director and co-director of the secondary mathematics education program and where she taught pre-service undergraduate and graduate elementary math methods courses and secondary preservice and inservice methods and curriculum and assessment courses. She served on the student academic life committee, the teacher education committee, and the continuing professional education for teachers committee of the Department of Teaching and learning at NYU. Before joining the NYU faculty, Dr. Strassfeld held various teaching positions at Brooklyn College in both the department f mathematics and the school  of education including working for the Center of Educational Change where she had an RFP for the mathematics project from the New York City Department of education that was called ‘What’s H.O.T. in Mathematics?’ This program provided coursework in mathematics content and pedagogy along with professional development for NYC mathematics teachers from both traditional and alternative high schools.

Dr. Strassfeld served on the programming committee for the Junior Researchers of the European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction conference in 2009. She has presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research Pre-sessions, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics national and regional conferences, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics conference, Joint Meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and American Mathematical Society, The International Congresses of Mathematics Education, the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education conference and The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators conference. Her research interests include the attitudes and beliefs of teachers and students in the learning and teaching of mathematics and teacher preparation.


  • Strassfeld, B. C. (2020). Zero Barriers in STEM Education. Retrieved from
  • Strassfeld, B. (2020, January 9). Mathematical learning disabilities: Fact or fiction [Guest lecture]. Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Strassfeld, B & Nagubandi, S. (2019 April). Students with mathematics learning disabilities should have access to quality mathematics insturction. Paper presentaed at the NCSM Mathematics Leadership Organization Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Strassfeld, B. & Bellavia, T. (2018, October 11). Grit and mindset: 7 Ways to engage your teaching candidates on their edTPA. Presentation at Influencing Teacher and Leader Policy and Practice through Advocacy, NYSATEE/NYACTE Joint Meeting, Saratoga Springs.
  • Colon, Y. & Strassfeld, B. (2018, October). Strengthening candidate comprehension and creation of artifacts and commentary responses: Special education and mathematics handbook. Presentation at the 2018 Teacher Performance Assessment Conference, San Jose, California.
  • Strassfeld, B. (2018, August). The NYSED’s educator item review meeting in support of future New York State grades 3-8 mathematics tests. Presentation for NYSED.
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