Administrative and Leadership Competencies

1. Leadership
a. Demonstration of Effective Written and Oral Communication Skills
b. Decision Making
c. Problem Solving
d. Internal and External Planning and Organization
e. Development and Expression of a School Wide Educational Vision

2. Management
a. Financing of Schools; School Based Budgeting and Accounting
b. Applications of Computer Technology
c. Physical Plant, Property and Pupil Transportation
d. Materials and Supplies

3. Curriculum and Supervision
a. Selection and Implementation of Curriculum
b. Instructional Supervision and Planning
c. Staff Supervision
d. Program Assessment and Evaluation
e. Student Assessment and Evaluation through Data Analysis 

4. Personnel Issues
a. Organization and Assignment of Teachers and Support Staff
b. Delegation of Responsibilities
c. Interviewing and Selection of Personnel
d. Application of Legal Knowledge Regarding Personnel
e. Organization of Professional/Staff Development
f. Staff Assessment and Evaluation

5. Student Issues
a. Organization of School to Address Student Needs
b. Attendance
c. Discipline Activities
d. Parent Conferences and Communications
e. Students' Rights and Due Process Procedures

6. Professional Organizations
a. Attendance at Workshops and Conferences
b. Presenter at Conferences and Workshops
c. Cooperation with Media; Press Releases
d. Grant Writing
e. Membership in Organizations and Public Agencies
f. Cooperation with Local Organizations and Public Agencies