EDDN 621 Developing School-Wide Enrichment Programs
This course will review the research and history of gifted education relating to enrichment programs in particular. The course will focus on the philosophy and works of J.S. Renzulli, E.P. Torrance, and H. Gardner, and their theories of giftedness. Methods for providing differentiated instruction within learning environments for gifted (and non-gifted) students will be explored through the implementation of a classroom-based or school-based gifted program or model.
EDDN 622 Developing Creative Thinking Skills in Gifted Students
This course will focus on the practical (i.e., problem-solving) and theoretical aspects of creativity. The course provides a basic overview of major definitions, theories and concepts related to the thinking skills and creativity. Students will reflect upon their own creativity to effectively foster the creative process within a differentiated classroom. During the course students will develop a working definition of creativity and adapt methods of identifying and assessing creativity applicable to gifted and talented individuals. Students will discuss how to enhance personal creativity by aligning it to digital technology.
EDDN 623 Identifying and Developing Programs for Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities
This course will focus on identifying students with learning disabilities who are gifted. The course explores how these gifted and talented learning disabled (GTLD) students are assessed and provided for according to Federal and state education mandates. During the course students will develop methods of identifying and assessing gifted and/or talented children who learn at a significantly different pace from other students in regular education classes. Students will learn to distinguish between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and GTLD characteristics. Students will study the unique learning needs of the LD population with respect to GT education and explore hands-on approaches and modified curriculum units using differentiated pedagogy. Throughout the course students will enhance the skills needed to effectively collaborate with parents, students, and school personnel with respect to GT/LD populations.
EDDN 624 Critical Issues in Gifted Education
This course will focus on topics relating to past, current and future issues regarding gifted and talented education. Students will examine multiple trends and theories in gifted education applicable to their current teaching assignments and the New York State certification exam. Students will share ideas about the importance of enrichment programs as part of the instructional day and assess Carol Tomlinson’s approach to differentiation.
EDDN 629 Gifted and Talented Fieldwork
In this course, students will have the opportunity to gain practical experience in a Gifted and Talented classroom for 50 hours under the mentorship of experienced and appropriately certified teachers and an assigned Touro faculty member. In addition, students will work individually with the Touro faculty member on a research project related to their work in this field experience course.