
SEDN 611 Characteristics and Needs of Students with Autism and Other Severe and Multiple Disabilities

This course focuses on the characteristics and needs of students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities. These students are often challenged by sig­nificant weaknesses in intellectual devel­opment, communication and multiple sensory and physical difficulties. The needs of this population for on-going and varied levels of support in order to partic­ipate in inclusive general education and community settings will be identified and explored. Specific instructional and related strategies in the following areas will be in­cluded: communication instruction, acqui­sition of adaptive behaviors, causes of and strategies to manage challenging behav­iors, acquiring social skills, assessing and planning for sensory and motor needs, family centered practices, and collabora­tion with a range of professionals. Theo­retical foundations underlying current learning and living practices will be re­viewed. The needs of young children and teenagers with autism and/or severe and multiple disabilities will also be integrated into this course. Research-based strategies for these students in inclusive general edu­cation and community settings will be im­plemented.

SEDN 612 Assessment and Planning for Students with Autism and Other Severe and Multiple Disabilities

In this course, various screening and as­sessment tools, including adaptive behav­ior scales and social skill rating scales, used to evaluate students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities will be introduced. The use of information from the students’ records as well as from par­ents and other resources will be explored for their use in determining educational goals, ascertaining students’ academic and instructional needs, developing skill lists, and assessing communication, language and social needs. Curriculum and activity guides to assess and plan objectives for these students will be explored. Examples of assessing students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities in testing conditions and in naturally occurring op­portunities to use knowledge and skills will be explored. Methods for parents and pro­fessionals to determine learning needs and necessary supports will be incorporated. The eligibility of students to receive spe­cial education and other related services and the purpose for these services will be discussed. Appropriate Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individ­ualized Education Plans (IEPs) will be de­veloped. (25 hours of field experience required).

SEDN 613 Curriculum Development, Instructional Practices, Learning Environments, and Collaboration for Teaching Students with Autism and Other Severe and Multiple Disabilities

In this course, various techniques for de­veloping curriculum, instructional prac­tices and learning environments for students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities will be introduced. Strategies for giving these students an op­portunity to participate in general education and access the curriculum in a mean­ingful way will be explored. Curriculum and instructional practices in literacy, math, science, and social studies will be explored. Collaborative development of programs, differentiated instruction, grouping, peer-assisted learning strategies and cooperative learning will be implemented. Procedures for generalization and maintenance of skills to be taught to stu­dents with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities in both general and specialized settings will be incorporated. Teaching new skills and the building and reinforcement of learned skills will be part of this course. Methods for the teaching of community, domestic and personal care skills with these students will be empha­sized. The principles of universal design will be used to develop appropriate com­mercial and teacher-made materials that allow individuals with various disabilities to participate in the curriculum. The suc­cess of educational programs for students with severe disabilities may be directly re­lated to the work of various professionals, including paraprofessionals, who positively collaborate. Strategies for such col­laborative success will be addressed. The education of young children with autism and severe and multiple disabilities will be explored as well as transition to independ­ent living for older students. Field experi­ence in collaborative settings will be part of this course. (25 hours of field experi­ence required).

SEDN 614 Technological and Other Intervention Tools for Teaching Cognitive Communication and Social Skills to Students with Autism and Other Severe and Multiple Disabilities

In this course, technological and other tools will be introduced that can assist students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities in better accessing the general curriculum, better communication with others, and living a more independent life. Assessment of students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities for the optimal use of technological tools will be introduced. A wide array of assisted technology devices is available to such students, and they will be reviewed for the specific purposes for which they can be used. Special communication boards, alternative keyboards, electronic adapters, mechanical adapters, positioning devices, transportation devices and adapted switch toys will be examined. Additional devices introduced will include those to improve daily living skills, mobility and environmental control. Student preferences for technology devices will be discussed. The role of the family in the selection of technology devices and the use of such will be discussed. Literature on the success and limitations of specific assistive technological devices will be reviewed. Technological services will be presented as essential in the teaching and learning of students with autism and other severe and multiple disabilities, especially students with serious communication disorders. Various devices will be demonstrated in class. The need for alternative augmentative communication (AAC) devices to be used by the students, peers, and teachers in school and by parents and peers at home will be reviewed.